Monday, April 18, 2011

Mock, Extra Credit Assignment

Some people may think that interior design is just plain creativity and that school is not important, but it is important to learn the history of the designers before you, their thoughts, and the foundation of designs. After you have learned the framework of design is when you express your personal beliefs into your design space. School helps you earn your credentials as a designer, which is essential to get further in your career and allows you to have more cliental and create bigger design spaces. It is also a good idea to take a holistic approach to design, if you stick with one subject matter and one material, you cannot grow and learn through experience as a designer. I also think that one cannot just go to school and suddenly become a designer like the media wants to portray, there has to be some sort of motivation, experience, and passion behind what you are creating, if not then you would just be a designer on your graduation certificate. The media over exaggerates a designers life, they make it look fabulous and easy, but in reality it is stressful and requires much thought and knowledge. The media also makes it look affordable; the stuff on HGTV usually looks cheap and craft-like, not artistic. The Eames thought of what design really is includes—simplicity, functionality, and thoughtful. Anyone cannot just throw something together and call themselves a designer, it requires skill and motivation.

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