Scandinavian architecture has influenced the rest of the modernism movement incredibly. For example, Aalto's Villa Mairea. "Aalto's understanding of space is more Cubist... in the asymmetrical tensions that exist in the plan between solid and void and between the implied square of the garden and the house, which in clamped in one corner... the house appears to be growing and expanding over time," (Ching ,743). I think that quotes sums up modernism nicely... "growing and expanding over time." In the Villa Mariea, wood and rustic wooden nails were used, but offset by steel railings for the interior. The use of mixed materials is interesting in this movement, some designers think it's outrageous to use such different materials, but in Aaltos and other Scandinavians, it works. The eclectic style breaks the modernist mold into something different, it sets apart, but also flows with the landscape that is sits on.
Think of modernism as a new look of the past. "Expansion over time", the expansion into space over the time it takes to travel around and view the structure.