A deigned object that I find revolutionary is the telephone. Communication is the key to carrying messages of revolution. The telephone has come a long way from spinning to dial around the numbers to now, typing out your messages on a tiny hand held device. Having a telephone used to be a sign of wealth, now it is a sign of being in the common, modern society with technology, but back in the day the early telephone was modern.

In the photograph to the left, we see that it was composed of three key parts: the speaker, the microphone, and the dial. It looks very sleek for it's time , carrying messages of revolution. Then we get to a recent hand help, transportable phone, which most likely has caller-id. Lastly we come to the most modern telephone-- the cell phone, which has text messaging, internet, music, games, movies, etc. All of these things are compiled into on single device, each influence the way we think, feel, and interact with each other, which is a key element in revolution.
Each year they come out with a new phone and people flock to the stores. Each year the producer trys to create a new revolution hoping small aspects will generate a wave of buying frenzy. Micro-revolution?