Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mock blog post 10 iar221

A deigned object that I find revolutionary is the telephone. Communication is the key to carrying messages of revolution. The telephone has come a long way from spinning to dial around the numbers to now, typing out your messages on a tiny hand held device. Having a telephone used to be a sign of wealth, now it is a sign of being in the common, modern society with technology, but back in the day the early telephone was modern.
In the photograph to the left, we see that it was composed of three key parts: the speaker, the microphone, and the dial. It looks very sleek for it's time , carrying messages of revolution. Then we get to a recent hand help, transportable phone, which most likely has caller-id.  Lastly we come to the most modern telephone-- the cell phone, which has text messaging, internet, music, games, movies, etc. All of these things are compiled into on single device, each influence the way we think, feel, and interact with each other, which is a key element in revolution.

Mock Reading Response 10 Theory iar 221

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mock, Blog Post 9, Theory IAR221

To the top left is Job Charnock's tomb in Calcutta in India, where the English East India Company was expanding. Even though the tomb has no relation the high rise building it is pointing to, it represents colonial expansion and the transferring of ideas. The tomb represents geometry and a sentence to describe it is "Repetition of geometrical and linear stacking." The dome and the stacking of this building represent power. The lines divide the space well as they climb up to the dome. These structures from India have influenced the US, the lines divide up the space of this giant high rise. The stacking represents power and technology. Of course their are many regional differences here, such as material and purpose, but the style of stacking is the same.

The top left is America's (and the world's) first skyscraper in Chicago, build in 1885. It's pointing to Hong Kong's tallest skyscraper, built in 2003. It's almost like an arms race to see who can be the first and the best. In this example, America was first and Hong Kong is trying to make it better. That's pretty much what colonialism was, the stealing of ideas and improving them.

Mock, Reading Response 9, Theory IAR 221

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mock, Reading Response 8, IAR221

Mock, Blog Post 8, IAR 221